Thursday, April 4, 2013

IVF Day 17 (4 April 2013) Thursday

more jabs? yapz....

did i mention 4 more Pregnyl to protect the uterus lining during the 17days of wait?

today is the 2nd dosage of 0.2ml.

There was a choice of inserting 17 x 3 pills and doing 4 jabs. Oh well, what is 4 more jabs?

What do I keep myself occupied with? My gardening continues...

I got a great advice from a good friend about coming up with a 'to do' list. Why not? Since it has always been fulfiling doing one while I worked, it should work for such situation too. And it did! It is important to keep myself really occupied during these 17 days!! I thought I do not need to do anything about it since I have been on no-pay-leave since mid October last year. but trust me, more distractions really helps! I cried twice on Day 1 because I got emotional with words and bad memories of words spoken to me.

A typical schedule look like this:
9am wake up, brush teeth, water and watch plants
9.30am cook breakfast, eat breakfast
10.30am read (not my usual habit)
11am walk & marketing
12noon lunch
PM - meet up with friends

The trick? It does not matter whether time is adhere too. I did not want to be too hard myself. Every single small task is checked when done. Every small step is a big leap to have a fulfiling day.

I cannot leave without them! They are the ones who will meet me for lunch and dinner. Go KTV with me. Go shopping. Just chat. Come my place eat dinner I cook: be guinea pigs. Usually they like the dinner - ha ha!

Constantly checking in with me. What do I do without them?...

Side effects?
Since Day 1 of jabbing puregon and subsequently ganirelix, slight nausea. bloatedness-i kept farting!
Check out my current state.... I look like I am at least 3 months pregnant.... No wonder someone offered me a seat when I was in the bus. Oops...
Some blood after ovum pick up day.
Some oily discharge from the painkiller inserted into my butt.
Kept urinating.

I have been feeling some aches in the right lower abdominal. Thought it would go away after the ovum pick up day but it did not. Think I better call the IVF Centre tomorrow...

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